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Visa Strategies in the Trump Era and How to Attract and Retain Key Employees in the Oil Patch

Updated: Aug 26, 2018

Course Description: The scope of this course includes the legal changes in the current administration which have affected employers' abilities to hire employees on temporary (nonimmigrant) visas and immigrant (i.e., green card a/k/a lawful permanent resident) visas and related current developments. Topics covered will include the following: temporary/nonimmigrant visas; immigrant visas/green cards; the travel ban; worksite enforcement developments; and pending legislation. The course addresses these issues generally, but focuses on possible problem areas that are specific to the oil patch: retaining key employees, how to attract new employees, and attendant visa issues.
  • Speaker: James Prappas

  • CLE Credit Hours: 0.5

  • Running Time: 30 minutes

  • Date/Time: On demand


You must register to obtain a password to view this course and obtain CLE credit. Registration is free.


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Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC

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